Income From Google Adsense: It Finally Come to This

Thinking back, to all those years I slaved to earn income from Google Adsense, makes me grin. It teaches me a lot about patience and perseverance, but it, so far, does not teach me about pleasure of spending ...

How can it teach me when all I get on average is just pennies?

A blog post I read the other day really hit home when it says,"... And Google happily paid me two cents for my hard work..."

Some advertisers work harder than they should.

And others would say, something like, "Well, you earn pennies because you don't know how to earn tens, or hundreds, or thousands ..."

Easy for you to say Jose, having 1000 domains, keyword research tool memberships, fancy website builders or 5 people on your tech team, and thousands to spend on getting those eyeballs to your site ...

These are things people, like Jose, didn't tell you. Why?

Maybe, just maybe, they're planning to launch that product or series of products, to teach you how to make money from Google Adsense.

Maybe? Yeah, maybe ...

And I did buy one or two guide myself. The rest, I learn from free resources online, mostly, from blogs.

And there used to be a pretty darn good blog, written by a Bear, that teaches you how to make money online as beginners ;-)

But sadly, it ceased to exist ...

That what happen, I presume, for people who sincerely want to teach others, how to make more than pennies with Adsense.

If you pay, then it's a different story altogether ...

You can sell scam, that appears legit and pro, use Google to advertise, and laugh, I mean really laugh, all the way to the bank.

I've read stories about this. Haven't experience myself though ...

Why I only make pennies online from GA all these years?

If I were to ask the experts, they will tell me (and I'm pretending this):

"You did your keyword research wrong. You use Google Keyword Tool, which is free, and it could not brings you those profitable keywords.

How are you going to determine the exact phrase, the competition, and all other stuff that only a techie can understand, using free keyword tool?

You should've (paid) and use tool like Wordtrekker, Keyword Elite, Market Samurai, Micro Niche Finder and other premium tool.

Or, if these were too much for you, use SBI. Just pay them and watch your website morph from there ..."

And the experts would not stop there. Nah, there are still lot to tell (with their affiliate links to promote) ...

"Then, you need to build backlinks. The simplest, 'white hat way', is to use articles. You can write and submit them yourself, or if you 'smart' like us, purchase this elite software, and sign up to this membership that allow you to create and distribute your articles far and wide ...

They're totally Google Animal proof (Panda, Penguin, Farmer) ...

You can also use this elite article spinner if you fancy, but purchase through my link. I'll throw more 'rubbish' your way just to thank you."

And still, we're just half-way through ...

"Oh, and when you're ready to build that website ..."

And on, and on it goes ...

If you want easy way out, sign up with SBI ;-)

Joke aside now ...

I still use free hosting and website trying to prove that making money with Google Adsense is still possible.

And of course, it is possible, if you think pennies and cash out three years from now!

So, I'm quite tired playing and dancing to Google's algo.

Don't kid yourself that you can print money like ATM with traffic from social media. The signal from social media is important for ranking, and that's as far as they going to get ...

Search traffic still rules when it comes to getting clicks, and getting paid from GA, either you get the search "organically" or pay-per-click.

What you'll get if you still search for ways to earn income from Adsense program?

The most you'll get is where to place/display Google ads on your site and blog. You'll get placement tips, color blending tips, and type of ads that could possibly give you the highest clickthrough ...

Yeah, I got quite tired reading all these, again and again ...

Feels like putting an end to this. Maybe I should ... ;-)